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Tarantula Rubra, who?

TARANTULA RUBRA is Anna Nacci, a Sociologist, Musician, Counselor and researcher; she created a radio programme in Rome to broadcast popular music from Southern Italy as well as the Mediterranean and all the world's Souths.TARANTULA RUBRA began in 1999 talking about the taranta that's a myth and a rhythm which occurs throughout the world and unites all the countries.

It's the obsessive and repetitive rhythm of the heart, of the drum; it can take us to trance, to ecstasy, allowing us to express psychological crises, anxiety, depressions. It lets us shout, react and rebel against oppressions; it allows us to consciously express our own process of growth and transformation.

The taranta appeared in Salento about the year 1000, Southern Puglia and, during the following period, it spread throughout the South Italy. Similar myths are the "hadra", a typical dance from Algeria and Morocco involving jinn spirits, the candomblé in Brazil, the santerìa in Cuba and so on. Human beings have always needed music and dance as antidepressivant therapy.

Thanks to enthusiastic audience, a book was publisched in 2000; it includes a CD as well. It's short essay on tarantism. Many famous musicians were guests of TARANTULA RUBRA, at the RADIO ONDA ROSSA studios: Teresa De Sio, Eugenio Bennato, Alfio Antico, the Nidi d'Arac, Antonello Ricci, and so on…

Some of these artists have given important interviews, which have been published in the book, giving rise to"NEOTARANTISM", the phenomenon of the new millennium. The book also contains a small guide to the enclosed CD, as well as songs, translations and photos of the artists. The CD contains 12 wonderful tracks which you can listent to during the radio programmes.

TARANTULA RUBRA organized the first important meeting in 2001 with Georges Lapassade. From that period on, she met and worked with Lapassade until he died.

TARANTULA RUBRA published in 2001 another cd: Pizzica la Tarantula.

On January 2003 she organized the second meeting at the Aula Magna of the University “La Sapienza”, a meeting called “Musiche, Culture, Tradizioni del Centro Sud Italia e dintorni
In 2004 a new book was published, a very important essay of Anna Nacci, “NEOTARANTISMO – Pizzica, transe e riti dalle campagne alle metropoli”.

The third compilation is enclosed to the book, and it’s PIZZICA LA TARANTULA 2

In 2007 Tarantula Rubra produced "JESCE FORE - One year of music and words together Rebibbia's prisoners", an essay with a CD recordered with the TARANTULA RUBRA ENSEMBLE, the prisonsers and the biggest musicians of Italian world music (and not only Italian). The essay has got a DVD as well; it's been a work showing how world music can be a good therapy for prisoners. On August 2008 the movie won the first premium at the EPIZEPHIRY FILM FESTIVAL 2008 as the BEST REPORTAGE. You can buy it writing at anna.nacci@libero.it

Since 2014 Tarantula Rubra is working with music in Italian èprimary and secondary schools. Her goal is to train Italian children to solidarity towards African children. So she collects donations from them and take those donations to African orphanage, building a solidarity bridge and an unforgettable link between Italian and African children.

She has been in an Ghanaian orphanage in 2014 and in two Kenyan orphanages in 2016.

Please, have a look at www.wearetechildren.it

Taranta victims of the world, unite!
You have nothing to lose but your venom.

A virtual hug for all of you
from TARANTULA RUBRA Tarantula Rubra


Tarantismo NeoTarantismo
"Neotarantism" is a new word used to describe a phenomenon which involves a wide range of people; a movement which expresses the desire for an 'alternative' music, for new ways of communication, for new relations. Furthermore it expresses the need of a cathartic form of dance, used without its historical context, which had been linked to suffering and shame, It's a need that arises everytime and everywhere, it's the need to be free from oppressions. It is against globalisation, cultural uniformity, and the attempt to deny cultural diversities. There is a strong response from the grass roots; dens masses of young - and not so young people - take to the streets and the squares, dance in social centres, pubs, theatres and any other kind of space where world music is.

And where the pizzica is, setting off dancing masses .


Tarantula Rubra

Scrivi a Tarantula Rubra: info@tarantularubra.it